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The draft decisions for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on December 23rd, 2019
Emitents Rīgas kuģu būvētava, AS (48510000DWP0BMQCTM64)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2019-12-10 13:18:46
Versijas komentārs

Joint Stock Company „Rīgas kuģu būvētava”

Unified registration number 40003045892

Gāles iela 2, Rīga, LV–1015


The draft decisions for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held in

Rīga, on December 23rd, 2019


  1. Report of the Board of Directors on activities of the Company in 2018

Draft decision:

To take a note of the report of the Board of Directors on activities of the Company in 2018.


  1. Report of the Council on the Annual Report 2018 of the Company

Draft decision:

To take a note of the report of the Council on the Annual Report 2018 of the Company.


  1. Report of the Auditor on the Annual Report 2018

Draft decision:

To take a note of the report of the Auditor on the Annual Report 2018 of the Company.


  1. Approval of the Annual Report 2018 of the Company

Draft decision:

To approve the Annual Report 2018 of the Company.


  1. Distribution of the Company’s profit of the year 2018

Draft decision:

To cover the Company’s losses of the year 2018 from undistributed profit of preceding and next years


  1. Approval of the auditor of the Company for 2019

Draft decision:

  1. To approve the auditors company (name of the company) as the auditor of the Company for 2019;
  2. To approve the remuneration to the auditor in the amount of EUR (amount), excluding value added tax (21%);
  3. To authorize the Board of Directors to conclude an agreement with auditors company (name of the company) to carry out the verification of the Annual Report 2019.


  1. Re–election of the Council and determining of the remuneration for the Council Members.

Draft decision:

  1. To elect as the members of the Council:

·           (name, surname);

·           (name, surname);

·           (name, surname);

·           (name, surname);

·           (name, surname).

  1. To determine the remuneration to the members of the Council in the amount as follows:

·           To determine to (name, surname) the remuneration in the amount of EUR (amount);

·           To determine to (name, surname) the remuneration in the amount of EUR (amount);

·           To determine to (name, surname) the remuneration in the amount of EUR (amount);

·           To determine to (name, surname) the remuneration in the amount of EUR (amount);

·           To determine to (name, surname) the remuneration in the amount of EUR (amount);
